Thursday, April 30, 2009
Oh my god!
This guy's parents obviously didn't think too much of him at birth.
He didn't make things any better by getting the job he did:
Relation Ship
Even if you're not. Hilarious.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Toy Cars
Friday, April 24, 2009
Caffiene vs Sugar vs Sleep
... or what's in the box...
Monday, April 20, 2009
Rolling & Coasting
While you're at it...check out some of the other albums on the site.
Rather amusing.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Slum Dog not-so Millionaire
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I Ran So Far
X-Ray Vision
Oh and I also wanted to say - definitely unnecessary security measures.
If at first you don't succeed.
Fake vs. Real
You be the judge.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Did you know...
Pimp Smack
Child Labor
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Whale Attack!
Poke the Flounder
The female list
The male list
I noticed there are a few more for men.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Lights, Camera, Action!......uhhh... Lights!
This is a video of Etienne De Crecy's unbelievable light show. I'm sure most people who visit this have seen it already (in one form or another). I still think it's the best light show around....
... then this happened. Below is a video of the Killers with a strangely similar show.
Coincidence? Apparently not. Supposedly Etienne De Crecy developed the projection technology and from sources that need to be taken with a grain of salt, the whole situation went more or less like this:
MTV/Killers: Hey Etienne, nice light show. Can we use it at the MTV Awards for our show?
Etienne De Crecy: Nope.
MTV/Killers: Ok. Well what if we make sure you get all the credit for it?
Etienne De Crecy: No.
MTV/Killers: Well how about we use it anyway because we can?
Aaaaand so begins a rumoured law suit.
Anyway, Killers:
So the Killers obviously have a bigger budget.... and More Cubes. But they stole someone elses idea. Lame. How long before Nickelback appears in the Daft Punk Pyramid?
What I'm really leading to is this light show...... Whoa!
If the previous videos impressed you prepare yourself. If you didn't even bother with the last 2, at least watch this - (Bare with the first 2 minutes.... then...... mind = blown)
AntiVJ & Crea Composite: Nuit Blanche Bruxelles from AntiVJ on Vimeo.
Viva La France!
Constant support from Gauthier AKA Med has managed to get people to satisfy my possible and probable ADD. He's one super nice dude with an ultra fresh hair-do.
Bookmark that blog! Your ears will thank you.

For everyone that wants to see what could have happened see here:
or here:
or if you have a strong stomach... HERE
Sunday, April 12, 2009
This is what you get when you let people vote on what you will have tattooed to your upper back:
Rock It
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Tiny Town
Thursday, April 9, 2009
More Statues...
Check it out.
Did you know...
My juice lid told me so. Don't ask me how to pronounce it.
For anyone who still cares:
Billy Bob
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
National Anthems
The context of this one: a memorial to remember fallen officers. I'm not sure if that actually makes it funnier.
And of course this one (if you haven't already seen it.... more than once):
Drug Problem
Win for Australia
Full article:,27574,25290859-36398,00.html
South Park / Saddam
During his captivity, US marines forced Saddam, who was executed in 2006, to repeatedly watch the move South Park: Bigger, Longer And Uncut, which shows him as gay, as well as the boyfriend of Satan. He was also regularly depicted in a similar manner during the TV series.
The admission comes with the show's 13th season already running in the US. It will celebrate its 12th anniversary later this year.
The show, which satirises a wide range of topics, including religion, sexuality and mental illness, has won a number of awards including three Emmys for Outstanding Animated Programme.
Recent episodes have seen Barack Obama using his Presidential victory as a way to steal jewels from Washington in an Oceans 11-style heist.
It also recently depicted the United States Treasury as deciding economic measures by cutting the head off a chicken and letting it run on a game show style board, landing on a decision.
Stone, 37, said both he and Parker, 39, were most proud of the signed Saddam photo, given to them by the US Army's 4th Infantry Division.
He said: "We're very proud of our signed Saddam picture and what it means. Its one of our biggest highlights.
"I have it on pretty good information from the marines on detail in Iraq that they showed Saddam the movie.
"Over and over again – which is a pretty funny thought.
"That's really adding insult to injury."
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Serious Injury
Apparently not for girls...
And here's the full uncut version:
First Things First
I'm just putting it all in the ones place for everyone's convenience and enjoyment.
... and we're off.